ANDRIJANA RUŽIĆ graduated in History and Criticism of Art at the Università degli Studi in Milan, Italy where she fell in love with animated films. She specialized in History of Animated Film under Giannalberto Bendazzi’s mentorship: the subject of her master thesis was the opus of two unpredictable spirits of American independent animation scene, John and Faith Hubley, and their Storyboard Studio in New York City. As an independent scholar she has participated to numerous international conferences for animation studies presenting the works of diverse independent authors of animation and has served as a juror on international animation festivals. In the period from 2012 to 2019 she has been a program curator of the animated film section at the International Comics Festival in Belgrade, Serbia. She is member of the Selection board of Animafest Scanner, the international symposium for contemporary animation studies held annually at the International Festival of Animated Film (Animafest) in Zagreb, Croatia. She writes about animation and other arts for Belgrade weekly magazine Vreme, Croatian film magazine Hrvatski filmski ljetopis and French animation magazine Blinkblank and is the author of the book Michael Dudok de Wit – A Life in Animation (CRC Focus).
PEDRO RIVERO, Bilbao (Spain), 1969. Screenwriter, director and producer of animated films. Winner of two Goya Awards for the short film BIRDBOY (2012) and the feature film PSICONAUTAS LOS NIÑOS OLVIDADOS (BIRDBOY, THE FORGOTTEN CHILDREN, 2017). He was the co-screenwriter of the live-action movie EL HOYO (THE PLATFORM, 2019), directed by Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia, awarded at the Sitges and Toronto film festivals and one of the most watched films in the history of the Netflix platform. Artistic Director of the Bilbao International Animation Community Festival – ANIMAKOM FEST, he has participated as a jury member, mentor and lecturer at numerous animation film festivals. President of the Basque Screenwriters’ Guild between 2002 and 2008 and member of the Board of Directors since its foundation in 1997. Author of comics and theatrical texts, he has been teaching film scriptwriting for several centres and academies for more than twenty years.
MILAN MILOSAVLJEVIĆ graduated at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, Department of Archaeology. Together with Dragan Cakić, he founded the Independent Film Center Vorki Tim in memory of Slavko Vorkapić, a film author and theoretician. Since February 2009, he has been editing and organizing the program of the Academic Film Center of the Cultural Center “Student City” in New Belgrade. In charge of the production and selection of films for the Balkan European Animated Film Festival and the Alternative Film/Video Festival. Author and producer of short feature, animated, documentary and experimental films, as well as music videos.
KATRIN NOVAKOVIĆ has a BA in Film and Video from the Arts Academy of the University of Split and an MA in Animation and New Media from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. Since then, she has been making music videos and commissioned films in stop motion and in 2015 she completed an internship at Trikk17-Animationsraum Studios in Hamburg, Germany. She has won several awards for her student films shown all over the world and distributed by Bonobo studio and Zagreb film. She was a jury member at the European festival of animated film Balkanima 2018 and a selector for the World Festival of Animated Film Animafest Zagreb 2020. At the Baltic trail residency in Latvia within the EU project “Future DiverCities” she began doing visual performances and since 2019 he has been facilitating stop motion workshops for children and adults.
DOROTEA RADUŠIČ (1995, Zagreb) graduated from the Department of Animation and New Media in 2022, Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. She is currently working as a 2D animator.
MILICA IVIĆ is an art theoretician and art practitioner from Belgrade, Serbia. She holds a PhD in theory of art and media, at the University of Arts in Belgrade. Her recent research is related to problems of institutionalization of art practices and neo-liberal transformation of institutions. Since 2014 the most important part of her artistic, editorial, organizational work and life is related to the Autonomous Cultural Center Matrijaršija, silk screen printing and the Fijuk publishing and distribution network. She is part of the editorial board of Novo Doba festival of non-aligned comics and Ulična galerija/Street Gallery in Belgrade. She is participating in numerous exhibitions, artist in residence programs and festivals as part of the Matrijaršija/Novo Doba collective.
IVAN MARUŠIĆ, born in Split in 1973. He graduated in Painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. He is a comics author and a painter. He published graphic novels “Entropola”, “Gnom de monde” and “Rexy” and numerous short comics in magazines Arkzin, Q strip, Komikaze, etc. He realised several solo and exhibited at many group exhibitions. In 1998 he was awarded at the 25th Youth Salon in Zagreb. He won Sfera award in 2007 and was one of the authors in the album Komikaze 18, awarded with the prix BD alternative in Angouleme 2020.
VLADIMIR ŠAGADIN is engaged in graphic design, illustration, journalism and media content production. Founder of the publishing house 2×2, which publishes comics by domestic visual artists, as well as the realization of media projects. One of the organizers of the 24-hour comic drawing that takes place over ten years in a row. Selector of comics programs at literature festivals in Zagreb and Pula. Presenter, editor and scriptwriter of various television, radio and newspaper content. He publishes texts, reviews and essays on comics and popular culture, popularizing the ninth art. He feels a religious passion for the Yugoslav school of enigmatics, basketball and animation.
Oneluv by Varya Yakovleva
Perfect approach to daily horrors women have to face in order to survive violent men.
Two Sisters by Anna Budanova
Wise use of hand made animation depicting non-stop rhythmic and powerful meaning of initiation in passion.
Soaked In by Shiyu Tang
The author succeeded to distill her strong message with minimum means.
Patopistou by Célia Sebbane
Immersed in a bizarre world of the main protagonist, we can feel his urge for change. Caught in his inner visually impressive roller-coaster of emotional theater play, there is no escape.
What love got to do with it by Irina Rubina
Joyful carousel to homage Miles Davis, the master of trumpet.
A Tiny Voyage by Emily Worms
Town Hall Square by Christian Kaufmann
EL SHATT Fragmenti, Helena Klakočar
Strip album sastavljen od fragmenata o logoru u Sinajskoj pustinji u kojemu je spas našao veliki broj naših ljudi koji su bježali od nacističke odmazde u sebi sadrži savršenu ravnotežu između dovoljno empatije, aktualnosti, kao i zanatske samouvjerenosti dokazane autorice kakva je Helena Klakočar. U svijetu migracija u kojemu živimo ovakav strip album je ono što može biti na čast i ponos stripaške scene, ne samo u Hrvatskoj i regiji, već i puno šire.
ŠKOLA HODANJA/HODAČI NA DUGE STAZE, strip magazin studenata Akademije likovnih umjetnosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Od dizajna i vrste papira do jasne uredničke politike “Škola hodanja” sa svojim podlistkom zavređuju širu pažnju javnosti. Kontekst u kojemu je nastao, pri čemu afirmira strip na važnom punktu oficijelne kulture kakav je ALU u Zagrebu je ono što stripu kao mediju nasušno treba. Podlistak “Hodači na duge staze” koji je u sebi okupio radove afirmiranih umjetnika je nešto što žiri dugo nije vidio u tako prefektnoj izvedbi i kruna je projekta kojemu od srca želimo još puno uspješnog hodanja.
PUTOPISI, Apolonija Lučić
“Putopisi” su se izdvojili koherentnom izvedbom i zaokruženom pričom, kao i pristupom gdje je već i sama izrada fanzina – u vividnoj tehnici RISO tiska – važan i neodvojivi dio čitalačkog doživljaja. Apolonija Lučić je uspjela stvoriti fanzin koji time postaje i više od fanzina, a “Putopisi” su pravi autoričin statement za kojega smatramo da treba biti svesrdno podržan.
TRILOGIJA Od bezvremena do nevremena, Dušan Gačić
Monografija koja u sebi sadrži opus Dušana Gačića je svjedočanstvo ljubavi prema stripu i artefakt o vjeri i sumnji stripaša koji, jasno je to dok se drži ova debela knjiga u rukama, od stripa nije nikada odustao, niti će odustati. Također, monografija je to koja je sama po sebi nagrada stripu kao mediju i domaćoj sceni, i koja po mišljenju žirija bez ikakvog krzmanja zaslužuje nagradu za životno djelo “Vladimir Nazor”.