You are kindly invited to submit films and comics produced after 1st January 2023 to one of the following competition categories:
Short Animated Films / Short-format, non-commissioned animated films or videos. Student Short Animated Films / Short-format, non-commissioned animated films or videos. Animated Films for Children / Animated works produced and distributed specifically for children. In case of a series, only one episode is eligible. Animated Music Videos / Official music videos, commissioned animated videos made specifically to promote music pieces.
Comic book edition (album) / A printed comic book edition by a single author / co-authors
Comic magazine / A printed comic edition that contains works by two or more authors
Fanzine edition / Non-professional printed comic book edition (without ISBN / ISSN) by a single author / co-authors or more authors
On submitting a film or comics, the applicant accepts that the film or comic can be selected for any of the competition categories or for another program section.
Entry forms and films must be received by April 1, 2025.
Online submission:
To submit your film and comic please use the online Festival entry form. For pre-selection purposes we prefer to receive a digital file.
Only films and comics produced in 2023–2025 and provided with English subtitles can be presented at the festival. The festival does not charge an entry fee.
The list of films and comics selected for competition will be announced on the festival’s official website no later than 1 June 2025. All applicants will be notified regarding the selection results.
More information on the terms and conditions, the competition categories and the awards can be found in the festival regulations. Please read them carefully before completing the entry form and submitting your film or comic. The registration to participate in the 15. SUPERTOON will be taken as acknowledgement of the regulations.